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Why are video analysis tools like ViralStat great solutions for Media Agencies?

Video analytics is a must, no matter what size of the agency you run.


If you’re not up to date with what’s trending in the social video industry, you’re most likely to lose your clients’ interest in your service. Sooner or later, but rather sooner.

Your team is probably already equipped with a full asset of social media analytical tools, but what about analyzing video content, now massively uploaded to social media every minute of every hour?


This is where video intelligence tools, like ViralStat, come in handy


When you run a media agency, the most crucial thing for you to do to gain a customer is conducting in-depth research of his industry, so you know what his competition is, how he ranks within and what strategy of his competitors’ resonate best with the target audience.

Impress your client with a transparent analysis of his growth compared against the most accurate performance of his niche competitors


Industry research – Discovery Tool


With that module, you can conduct any industry research by relevant keywords.
Search for your clients local and global competition (content inspiration?). See, what resonates best to their targeted audience, what strategy brings the best results, which videos are most appreciated and shared naturally by the community.


uprising influencer research

Learn more here: Discovery


Identify currently viral topics of any niche


Once you find all the desired data, you can then start ongoing monitoring of selected creators/brands profiles within designated Smart Folders.

Industry monitoring – Smart Folders


How about collecting all your clients’ social profiles into one dashboard, where you can see precisely their ongoing content performance or analyze how they interact with followers? And then create such collections containing their industry competitors’ profiles, videos and posts from main social networks for comparison?

This is where ViralStat folders are salvage – tens of thousands of videos, profiles and posts, all in one dashboard, with automatically updated statistics from monitored social media accounts – your clients and managed creators as well as their niche competitors – compared cross-platform and easy to benchmark with one another.


youtube competitors analysis

Read more here: Smart Folders

Influencer discovery


Another of your agency focuses is to hunt for and maintain good cooperation with Influencers and emerging creators, who can further expose the promoted product/brand to their audience.

Your client needs to grow the trust that you spend his money efficiently, and your advertising strategy brings desired outreach. For that you need to know the exact social activity of tens, sometimes hundreds of creators under your roof. Verify, who builds real engagement, and thus is worth to rely on.

Where to find reliable social creators?


Again, you can perform research through the Discovery Tool. By applying requested settings, you can filter out who is trending within any niche, identify upcoming content creators that only recently emerged on social media (creation/upload time sort) or verify trustworthy industry experts you can then invite for cooperation.

Hunting for viral creators – Leaderboards


Another place where you can look up for the most trending and viral topics and Influencers are our daily created Leaderboards.

That’s just an endless source of fresh content and talents from all over the world. Apply your settings, like country or category, search by values in total or gained only recently and view results with most appealing creators.

influencer research

Learn more here: Leaderboards


Monitor the performance of any creator before cooperation


So, you’ve found Influencers upon your current demand. Now you may want to verify which of them are the most active and build real engagement with their community – compare, who posts the most appealing content and thus brings great interest to your promoted product.

Again, use Smart Folders! This way, you will get an instant insight into the cross-platform performance of all creators you currently work or only plan to work with in the future.

Monitor the exact inflow of new subscribers to their channels, see who’s gaining positive engagement under their posts and videos, which of their content brings the loss of audience, etc. Verify and recreate viral videos!


tools for mcn

Read more: Social Media Analytics and Social Video Intelligence


Want to share your folder insights with clients? Invite them and work together to identify creators your client feels would fit their campaign expectations.


No more guesswork – provide clear reports of performance


Report to your client about his paid partnership campaign progress, his recent social media performance, growth analysis of direct competitors, provide a clear indication of where his strategy could be improved based on the most trending content globally. You name it! Once you gather all your profiles and videos of interest into designated collections, you can then generate proofs of performance of any kind, help create your clients better communication to their targeted audience and thus grow even stronger partnerships.

Run better ads – YouTube Ads Tool


What’s a better proof that you’re spending your clients’ money wisely, then precise targeting his ads placements?

A significant number of agencies do that: run AdWords campaigns for their clients. Do you too? Great! Our specially developed module – YouTube Ads Tool – does all the time-consuming research and verification of the best YouTube monetised videos, so that you only need to export the ready-made list of placements directly into your AdWords campaign.


tools for agencies


Researched by niche related keywords (laser targeting), filtered and sorted by factors such likes to dislikes ratio (read: brand safety) video placements will not only save you hours of monitoring the progress of your campaign in order to filter out the best placements manually but will also help lower ad costs, as your clients ads will be displayed to niche targeted audience right away.

Learn more here: YouTube Ads Tool



Viralstat not only allows you to monitor and analyse all public YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram videos, profiles and posts performance. It will also shift hours from your team on updating and creating numerous reports for your clients, research and verify Influencers of any niche and country, provide a great source of the most viral videos and currently trending topics globally so you can help your clients’ to create better communication to their social media fans. Last but not least, our tool will also help you run effective Google AdWords campaigns for you and clients.

Do you feel like giving ViralStat a test run?

Go ahead and claim your 14 day Free Trial today!


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